With Supreme Court arguments over the California game law beginning next month, the Video Game Voters Network has…
The 11th-hour renaming of the playable Taliban fighters as the "Opposing Force" in this month's forthcoming Medal of…
A panel comprised of some of the nation's pre-eminent jurists, legal scholars and court observers pondered California…
It is the season for battling in the Supreme Court about whether it should be a crime to sell very violent video…
California's violent video game law, currently with the Supreme Court, is a pretty big deal. So it's nice to hear…
Yesterday evening saw the filing deadline for supporting briefs in Schwarzenegger vs. Entertainment Merchants…
As the entertainment industry rallies against the controversial California video game law, the Colorado State Board…
Booksellers, publishers, and authors along with the recording, advertising, arcade, and comic book industries rally…
Blasting a California statute regulating sales of very violent video games as a threat to the freedom of creative…
In a 59-page brief filed to the U.S. Supreme Court this week, the state of California makes its best argument about…
The battle between the video game industry and California politicians about whether to criminalize the sale of…
This week's decision by the United States Supreme Court to hear arguments both for and against the State of…
Originally published in 2005, we've just updated this story to explain to those confused by the current state of…
The Supreme Court's decision today to hear a case about the potential criminalizing of the sale of violent video…
The legality of a state regulating the sale and rental of violent video games to minors will be decided finally by…
The United States Supreme Court may decide whether to hear a landmark case affecting the sale of violent video games…