Iron Harvest should, by all accounts, be just the game for me. It’s set in a universe I dig, and has a lot in common…
Iron Harvest should, by all accounts, be just the game for me. It’s set in a universe I dig, and has a lot in common…
Regiments is an upcoming RTS set in the 1980s, in a scenario where the Cold War heats up. It’ll probably be of…
Developing the popular RTS Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun involved solving a whole host of problems. But the…
Conan Unconquered is a real-time strategy game being made by Petroglyph, a studio formed by some of the original developers on the Command & Conquer series. It’s also a wave-survival game like They Are Billions, which all sounds great on paper. It’s slated to arrive on PC in the first half of 2019.
A legendary real-time strategy game series is returning in a format you probably weren’t expecting.
They Are Billions took Steam by storm not too long ago and has been growing and evolving in Early Access ever since.…
Iron Harvest, the upcoming RTS based on Jakub Rozalski’s art (that’s also seen in Scythe, a very good board game), is now up on Kickstarter. It looks like Company of Heroes, only with diesel-powered mechs.
Rodents roar across the plains. Ferrets launch mortars into farms. In the distance, cobras slither closer, ready to…
Tooth and Tail, an RTS by the folks who made Monaco, is coming to computers and PS4 September 12. Here’s a new trailer.
Retro RTS fans, take note: the African Kingdoms expansion for Age of Empires II HD hits at the end of the week.…
Heroes of the Storm is a really fun game. But playing it as a Warcraft veteran can hit a little too close to home.
From Namco Bandai's official announcement, "Set in the distant, space-faring future Supernova takes an innovative…
Blizzard gave Warcraft fans one hell of a nostalgia trip earlier this month when it debuted the cinematic trailer…
Esports and StarCraft II in particular had a pretty cool and eventful year. Here's a clip, edited by YouTuber Soohyun…
"Warcraft RTS: Alliance and Horde"—which one modder, tired of waiting 10 years for Warcraft IV, quit his job to build—just got its 1.0 release. Made with the StarCraft II editor, it's a richly detailed mod that returns the series to its long-forgotten RTS roots. Lots of details and screens here.
Universum: War Front is an incredibly ambitious game. It's a combination of real-time strategy, MOBA, role-playing…