Falling on your crotch is funny, when it's in a video game. So is dying multiple times over for no apparent reason.
Falling on your crotch is funny, when it's in a video game. So is dying multiple times over for no apparent reason.
Presented to you by Rooster Teeth, this fanimation by Shane Newville sheds some new light on what's really going…
Ha, this is pretty funny—if you understand Japanese and even if you do not.
Rooster Teeth started their popular Halo-based machinima comedy series Red vs Blue all the way back in 2003.
I love Gav and Geoff from Rooster Teeth's Achievement Hunter. They always find the most pointless, yet hilarious…
It's a lot more fun—or maybe just funny—than it sounds. Rooster Teeth's "Achievement Hunter" duo set out to find…
The latest in Rooster Teeth's Immersion series of web videos is here, this time seeing if two dudes in a video…
Rooster Teeth makes like Letterman from The Electric Company, swapping an N for an M to give us this comedy short.…
When Rooster Teeth swivels its main guns onto a particular topic, you can count on that sucker being blasted off…
Those plucky survivors in zombie games always make killing zombies look easy. But just how easy is it to nail…
Continuing their run of excellent shows about bringing games into the real world, Rooster Teeth's latest episode of…
Morons yammering away in your headset can be off-putting to the average gamer toiling through a round of Call of…
The Transportation Security Administration isn't making too many friends in American airports at the moment. It'll…
Either bored or flushed with cash (or both!), the gang at web comedy site Rooster Teeth decided to do a little…
Aion developer NCsoft and Rooster Teeth have teamed up to educate massively-multiplayer online game players about…
It's awesome enough that Rooster Teeth would rig up a Ford with a third-person camera, to attempt to drive like…
Paragon Studios takes its City of Heroes Mission Architect to the next level, inviting comic book author Bill…
Their reaction was pretty much the same reaction I have to a new Halo game. I think, "Hooray! I shall be at the same…
The creators of the Red vs. Blue series take on City of Heroes, in a series of live-action shorts featuring the…
Rooster Teeth achievement-centric site Achievement Hunters managed to land their hands on an early copy of Dead…