The next version of Rock Band is going "Pro," adding a new keyboard controller, a 102-button, six-string guitar…
The next Rock Band may actually live up to its promise and teach you how to play music—or at the very least, learn…
Rock Band 3 will, as expected, let you do something you've never been able to do in a Rock Band (or Guitar Hero)…
Ozzy Osbourne makes his Rock Band debut next week, a before his next album releases. Three tracks from Osbourne's Scr…
Nobody looks good playing Project Natal. Nobody.
Harmonix, the studio behind both the original Guitar Hero and Rock Band, could be working on something a little…
Lost is over. But Lost devotees can still experience the drug-addled, pop rock thrills of its fictional band Drive…
Super-hero comics that star such icons as Green Lantern and the Martain Manhunter are not always cheerful.…
There's a demo for Rock Band: Green Day currently up on Xbox Live. Of actual interest is this image greeting users…
Street Fighter IV? Great game. Guitar? Cool instrument. The sound of SFIV being played with a guitar?
According to website JRock Revolution, the site has apparently partnered with Rock Band developer Harmonix to poll…
Music game maestros Harmonix have already promised to "innovate and revolutionize the music genre" with Rock Band 3,…
Harmonix is chumming the waters to see what sort of fan reaction they get by suggesting standalone Rock Band titles…
Although a producer said earlier there will be no additional DLC for Green Day: Rock Band - giving a rather…
Music games built around a single artist can be a tricky thing to plan for, because while you'll attract fans of…
Judas Priest's sixth album, 1980's British Steel, is coming to Rock Band next week in its live incarnation. Yes,…
Point of clarification: The tracklist for Green Day: Rock Band revealed this weekend included six songs labeled…
Entertainment Weekly was given first dibs on the track list for Green Day: Rock Band and while 27 of the 47 cuts are …
This week's new batch of downloadable tracks for Rock Band all have one thing in common. Did you catch it? The…
Jack White of The White Stripes has advice for aspiring musicians. He does not recommend music games.