The past few years produced a huge amount of great games and a surprisingly decent amount of them have…
There are several cool video-game themed Monopoly sets out there, but I'd be hard-pressed to think of a cooler one…
There was a time when mines and minecarts dominated video games. If a platformer or RPG didn't have a mine stage or…
About a month ago I decided to finally play Max Payne 3, incidentally our "Best Drinking in a Dirty T-Shirt" GOTY.…
While the cover art appears to be predictably awful, there's little disputing the quality of the contents of this…
This September's Euro PlayStation Plus Game of the Month is Red Dead Redemption, and Plus is coming soon to the Vita.
We lacked a campfire, but that didn't stop us from telling tall tales about the incredible—but completely true, I…
If you haven't finished Red Dead Redemption, and one day plan to, don't read any further.
Generally speaking, people compare games by listing bullet points. Which game has better graphics, which game has…
Proving once again that it pays to wait when it comes to the hottest PlayStation 3 games, today Sony is launching…
We've all done it. Anyone who's played an open-world game, from Grand Theft Auto III to Fallout 3 to Red Dead…
They say Red Dead Redemption is haunted, you know. They've said it for years now—ghosts exist in the system, devils…
I think it goes without saying that I love music in video games. But not all games require a soundtrack, and in…
In the top picture, you can see a yellow rubber band running around the case of a Korean copy of Red Dead Redemption.…
A Red Dead Redemption fansite has been holding court with some interesting interviews lately with the Western's…
Some wonderful Red Dead Redemption fan art to kick your Tuesday morning off with.
Blackwater was the newest part of Red Dead Redemption's Old West, the section of Rockstar's hit game that pointed…
The cast of Red Dead Redemption are no strangers to rednecks, nor to zombies—Rockstar's wild-west open world game…
Enterprising hackers, who have cracked open the PS3's v3.55 firmware, now have a pretty neat feature running on…
Last week, my friend and colleague Matt Cabral wrote up an excellent preview of Hitman: Absolution for Kotaku. I was…