There is nothing more mundane in the world of video game marketing than the bullet-point announcement. Unless the…
There is nothing more mundane in the world of video game marketing than the bullet-point announcement. Unless the…
The cinematic intro to multiplayer PC shooter Firefall has just been released. And unlike previous pieces from the…
You may have noticed a few websites around the place pledge to "shut down" on January 18 in protest against the…
To help shill their upcoming Firefall, Red 5 Studios is employing two models to play the part of the game's…
Regular readers of our Fancy Pants cosplay feature here on Kotaku will be familiar with the phenomenal work of Crysta…
Firefall is an upcoming co-op shooter for the PC, made by Red 5 Studios, which is helmed by the guy who was team…
For a game that the developer will be handing out for free, Firefall looks impressively promising. The large scale…
Video game designer Dave Perry predicted a few years ago that a day would come when a company released a high…
So what if it's Dune, Starship Troopers and Tribes thrown in a blender. This cinematic trailer for the multiplayer…
Red 5 Studios, the developer founded by former World of Warcraft team lead Mark Kern, finally unveiled its…
While a Red 5 Studios press release claims the studio is only restructuring, sources close to the studio paint a…
Red 5 Studios may never complete its unannounced MMO. The Irvine, California based developer founded by ex-Blizzard…
Back in '05, a bunch of former World of Warcraft developers left Blizzard to form their own studio, Red 5. Which…