Insomniac Games' newest Ratchet & Clank title originally began life as a two-player game, but eventually grew into…
We haven't had a year without an Insomniac Games-developed release since 2001, but this year is looking to be both…
Game studio Insomniac Games has created a slew of exclusive titles for the PlayStation platform. Franchises like…
The Ratchet & Clank and Resistance developer is moving on to greener, multiplatform pastures, perhaps the reason…
With Resistance and Ratchet & Clank developer Insomniac Games going multiplatform, bringing an "all-new franchise"…
Insomniac Games, makers of Ratchet & Clank and Resistance are, as of today, no longer a weapon for PlayStation fans…
The next big gaming franchise from the creators of a decade and a half's worth of some of the Playstation's most…
Want to know how to get Ratchet & Clank, Kratos, and Nathan Drake figures for ModNation Racers when it hits stores…
According to "a trusted source", IGN is reporting that Insomniac Games - creators of both Resistance and Ratchet &…
Big speculation is that tomorrow's "surprise Sony Sequel" is Resistance 3, but if it is - a) Insomniac's community…
As seen at the kick-off party at the DICE gaming convention at the Red Rock Casino just outside of Las Vegas.…
As if we needed another excuse to visit our local comic book stores, DC Unlimited is finally shipping its Ratchet &…
"Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time will probably be Insomniac's last 60fps game," writes the studio's Mike…
Check out these vinyl toys CreatureBox and Gentle Giant put together as gifts for Insomniac Games employees. Even…
Insomniac Games' Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time is scheduled to hit the PlayStation 3 next week. But the…
Home Director Jack Buser delivered a state-of-the-software address while walking me through the new Home spaces…
Google Chrome recently updated itself with a bunch of new themes. I promptly chose butterflies — but you could chose…
Typically the recipient of the short end of game release stick, Europeans are occasionally thrown a bone—and we…
I got a lot out of LucasArts' Clone Wars junket, but the best treat was meeting the man behind the voices of Tidus,…
Let 2009 hereby be known as The Year Of The More Interesting Hub World. The spokes of Wolfenstein emanate from a…