In my opinion, Q-Games' PixelJunk Shooter and Shooter 2 are the best twin-stick shooters on the PlayStation 3. This…
Q-Games, they of Pixeljunk fame, aren't exactly starving artists. They release games on most major platforms, and do…

In space, soup is a nasty business. You’ll need to build bases that defend automatically themselves from attackers…

For six years I've been streaming music to my PlayStation 3 using the same old trio of launch visualizers, which is…

Since 2007, Kyoto based Q-Games has been churning out innovative downloadable titles. These include games like PixelJ…

The entire room was packed. This has to be a fire hazard, someone said. It probably was, but no one cared. They were…
Kyoto based Q-Games is working on its new title. The game, currently codenamed PixelJunk 1-6, is being made with the…
If you say "Q-Games", the first things that come to mind are probably Nintendo and Sony. (Oh, and there's that other…

Max Payne 3 is coming out on May 15. Diablo III is coming out on May 15. A Game of Thrones game is coming out on…

It's hard to look cool when you're playing most music video games. You may think you look cool with your dinky…

I'll try any video game, because any video game might have the year's best idea in it.
PixelJunk SideScroller is the latest PS3 title from Q-Games. The Kyoto-based game studio continues to churn out high…

PixelJunk SideScroller is a 1980's style arcade game made for the 26th-century. It's a side scrolling-shoot-em-up…
The Nintendo 3DS does online pretty damn well. All the experiences I've enjoyed so far have been the best online…
Q-Games is working on PixelJunk: Sidescroller, the latest PixelJunk title. The game's gameplay looks bright and old…
Like that new Star Fox 64 3D footage? How about some new Star Fox 64 3D screens!

PixelJunk: Sidescroller, the upcoming downloadable color explosion from Q-Games, is not joking around.

There have been gamers who've hacked games to ask their special someone to take the plunge, but how many game…

Our technology has progressed past the age of TV monitors that curve the corners of our video game graphics. Scan…
PixelJunk Monsters was a 2007 PS3 game. Actually, every PixelJunk game has been a PS3 game. Until now. Q-Games has…