Don't let the farting, the peeing of pants and the tossing of cookies let you think that Russian doll adventure game …
The battle for the Forgotten Realms goes digital with Dungeons & Dragons Daggerdale, a downloadable multiplayer…
The North American PlayStation Store is getting some business done before the Christmas break. This may be the…
Downloadable PlayStation 3 game Dead Nation tracks every PlayStation-enabled nation's statistics for the feat of…
Marty McFly's epic time traveling adventure continues this Wednesday when Telltale Games releases the first episode…
Konami's X-Men couldn't have arrived at a more nostalgic time for me. Released my freshman year, I stayed on campus…
Gameloft's Modern Combat series, which debuted on the iPhone last year, will move to Move in January with Modern…
Sega has confirmed that, yes, early next year there'll be a collection of Dreamcast games compiled in a single…
Christmas comes a little early to the North American PlayStation Store, with things that you'd actually want to…
Next week, the PlayStation Store will be graced with something PS3 owners have been waiting quite a while for: a…
Sorry, Nathan Drake, but you and your fully-tucked shirt are not the best thing I saw this week for the PlayStation…
Jenova Chen is the designer of genre-bending, artfully crafted games Cloud, FlOw and Flower. He's the co-founder of…
If you've read that Konami's arcade classic X-Men is getting a timed exclusive on Xbox Live Arcade, fear not, PS3…
The motto of Jimmie Johnson, who clinched his fifth straight NASCAR Sprint Cup championship last month, is…
PlayStation Eye martial arts game Kung-Fu Live hit the PlayStation Network today, forever cementing the grinning…
Is Dead Space 2 really "scarier" than the original? Find out later this month, when a demo of the scary sci-fi…
Something's been bothering me ever since I started playing Angry Birds on the iPhone. Apparently I'm not alone.
The weekly North American PlayStation Store update is here and what a busy week it is for the... PSP?! While the…
Atari has released the first trailer and new screens for Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime,the downloadable follow-up…
Osaka-based game company SNK Playmore, best known for its fighting games, is unleashing a whole slew of titles on…