Combining a sleek and sexy graphical style, puzzle solving, investigation, and quick fire action scenes,…
Soon all the Final Fantasy anyone could ever need will be found on the PlayStation Network, as Square Enix releases…
Outland, a platformer from Ubisoft that looks like the product of Tron and Flashback spending a sexy evening…
Well this is certainly an exciting week for PlayStation 3 owners. Not only is tasty puzzle-RPG Might & Magic: Clash…
Another tranquil week; Patapon 3 arrives for PSP; World of Tanks rumbles across the line on PCs. Outside of those…
Three old Splinter Cell games are being re-released on the PlayStation 3. If you thought they'd be upgrades of the…
Someday, we may get The Daily Show: The Video Game or Spike TV Video Game Awards: The Game, thanks to the formation…
Appearing in a blue blur on a hedgehog's Facebook page this morning, the first teaser trailer for Sega's next…
Earlier this week, activist group Anonymous threatened to go after Sony's online presence in retaliation for the…
I loved the HD re-release of Beyond Good & Evil. But so far, it's only on Xbox 360. What if you have a PS3? Why,…
Galaga goes completely batshit insane with the next re-imagining of Namco's shoot 'em up series, Galaga Legions…
What new treasures await PlayStation 3 and PSP owners this week on the North American PlayStation Store? One Red…
As of March 31, PlayStation users worldwide have donated US$1.318 million to the earthquake relief efforts. "While…
Square Enix announced today that Final Fantasy V, the Super Famicom game that didn't make it to the states until…
Watch the Fighter class hack and slash his way through the forces of evil in the latest trailer for Dungeons &…
Very little in the way of big releases this week. Among games we're likely to play around here, Hoard arrives on the…
If a game company is going to do something silly for April Fools' Day, we might as well all get a free game out of…
We've still got a day left until April Fools, so we're going to have to take Majesco seriously when they announce…
Mega Man Universe was supposed to be out this year on the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Arcade. It won't be.…