Sony Computer Entertainment of America declined to testify at a Congressional hearing about the threat of data…
In addition to the FBI, Department of Homeland Security and 22 state attorneys general, Sony is now being questioned…
The PlayStation Network is Sony's global online gaming service. Countries from around the world can access the PSN…
This Sunday, as the Golden Week holidays began in Japan, Sony execs Kazuo Hirai, Shinji Hasejima and Shiro Kambe answ…
It's a good thing Sony warned people to be vigilant about their credit cards, because as part of the company's Tokyo…
The zombie fad shows no signs of dying - hah, get it? - as Treyarch delivers the Escalation Map Pack for Call of…
In this morning's news conference, Sony Computer Entertainment head Kazuo Hirai said the company would consider…
PlayStation Network, down since April 20, will return this week, said Kazuo Hirai, the second-in-command for Sony…
Lots of people vow all kinds of extreme things when they're pissed off, especially at giant corporations. Many come…
Early in the morning on the U.S. east coast, Kazuo Hirai will address the devastating outage of and loss of customer…
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has joined the FBI, Federal Trade Commission and 22 state attorneys general…
The family that stays together for 50 years plays pinball together as well. Zen Studios adds to its highly…
In the wake of the attack on Sony's PlayStation Network, lots of people will be cancelling their credit cards. Just…
The latest international government body to begin investigating Sony's PlayStation Network attack is Australia's…
The thing most people have been worried about following the PSN attacks, and rightly so, are things like email…
According to Kevin Stevens, an online security expert with TrendMicro, "low-level cybercriminals" are currently…
Sony Online Entertainment has already said it plans a "make-good" for D.C. Universe Online and Free Realms…
The Federal Bureau of Investigations today confirmed to Kotaku that it is looking into the security breach that…