I played Prince of Persia, I loved Prince of Persia, warts-n-all. But now, there's a problem. I've got it on PC.…
That new Prince of Persia downloadable content planned for a Feb. 26 release will add three new hours of gameplay…
I won't spoil anything for those who haven't played it, but if you felt a little bummed/cheated by the end of Prince…
When Jerry Bruckheimer isn't figuring out different ways to blow shit up, he's figuring out different ways to blow…
Fans eager to get a look at the poster art for Jerry Bruckheimer's upcoming movie adaptation of the Prince of…
Ubisoft released some sales figures today as part of their financial results reporting. Listed are the to-date…
Ah, Prince of Persia. You either love it for what it tried, or hate it for what it tried. We love it, though, and…
In response to MTV Multiplayer's views on the subject, Prince of Persia producer Ben Mattes delivers his take on…
While many of us played through Ubisoft's latest Prince of Persia with nothing on the mind other than being…
Stephen Totilo of MTV Multiplayer has noticed some striking similarities between Ubisoft's new Prince of Persia…
Ubisoft's Ben Mattes could stand to have a few more "virtual pats on the back," guys. The producer of the new Prince…
Because it just got a rather substantial price drop, just in time for a last minute stocking stuffer. What was…
Not content with making Prince of Persia too easy for players, Ubisoft have decided to make it too easy for pirates…
Rather than stick with the tried and true, Ubisoft went out on a limb for the latest incarnation of their beloved…
Despite the overwhelming success of the first trilogy, Ubisoft went back to the drawing board to bring an entirely…
Hot on the heels of news both Altair and the original Prince from Sands of Time would be turning up in Prince of…
Well what do you know. It's an Xbox 360 hardware bundle. For the European market. This one includes, as you can…
Prince of Persia producer Ben Mattes, narrative designer Andrew Walsh, and level designer Michael McIntyre discuss…
Ubisoft today took the wraps off two alternate player skins you can use when playing the new Prince of Persia. One…
You can tell when expectations of a game are running high when people starting murmuring about DLC expansions before…