Sony will release The Eye of Judgment Legends on PSP in North America, trimming the fat of the PlayStation Eye and…
How can it not be? A new Metal Gear Solid, a new Kingdom Hearts, a new Valkyria Chronicles, maybe even that new…
Sony's downloadable PSP minis, which launched alongside the company's download-only PSPgo, may be getting a bigger…
Ubisoft's juggernaut franchise Assassin's Creed vaults onto the PSP with Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines. But should…
The Playstation Portable got a fun, new little brother this year in the form of the slide-n-go, download-only PSPgo.
When LucasArts released the first Star Wars: Battlefront game back in 2004, players got a boots-on-the-ground…
Sony's gaming division should start seeing profitability by the tail end of their 2010 fiscal year through cost…
Word around Kotaku Tower is that Assassin's Creed II is a strong contender for game of the year. But what about the P…
Sony's Networked Products & Services Division (the PlayStation and VAIO businesses) is reporting a 24.2 percent…
From Software brought Tenchu Kurenai to the PS2 back in 2004, and now it is porting the game to the PSP. The title…
Kyoto-based developer Q-Games has brought its home console PSN PixelJunk experience to the PSP with PixelJunk…
Retailer Fry's may be the first chain to start offering the PSPgo at more reasonable prices, dropping $50 from the…
I'm glad Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron's space-to-ground transitions made it into the multiplayer –- there…
Hungry? SEGA Japan has teamed up with Pizza Hut by opening a virtual restaurant in the game's Gurhal Galaxy. Hello…
This morning, I got a PSPgo from Sony for reviews and whatnot. I had a chance to check out Crecente's PSPgo at TGS.…
Natsume is adding another role-playing game to the PlayStation Portable's lineup this fall when Adventures to Go…
MotorStorm: Arctic Edge is the third iteration in the Playstation's over-the-top Burning Man-meets-World Rally…
The PSPgo launch was not without controversy, but it seems to have reinvigorated the Playstation Portable market.
The long promised PlayStation Portable entry in Polyphony Digital's Gran Turismo series has finally arrived, putting…