That time is quickly approaching. With the release of the PlayStation 4 set for late 2013, people are gearing up for…
A PlayStation Plus subscription may be required for online multiplayer on the PS4, but it won't required when the console gets DC Universe Online and Planetside 2, both of which are free to play. DCUO's PS4 version will also be cross compatible with the PC title.
As if free Saints Row: The Third and Deus Ex: Human Revolution weren't enough, PlayStation Plus members also get free Uncharted 3, Littlebigplanet: Karting, and XCOM: Enemy Unknown beginning Tuesday.
The best thing about PlayStation Plus is the Instant Games Collection, a feature that offers up free, top-shelf…
Microsoft refuses to say how many people subscribe to Xbox Live Gold, and Sony still won't say how many people use…
You can pick your preference between PlayStation and Xbox. You can argue that Halo is better than KillZone or that Un…
For those who didn't purchase access earlier, or get their names drawn from CCP's hat after signing up on the web,…
Itchy trigger fingers everywhere are waiting to unleash all-new kinds of carnage when Counterstrike: Global…
This September's Euro PlayStation Plus Game of the Month is Red Dead Redemption, and Plus is coming soon to the Vita.
Well, not really for free. You still need to shell out less than US$5 a month to become a PlayStation Plus member.…
Proving once again that it pays to wait when it comes to the hottest PlayStation 3 games, today Sony is launching…
A marketing survey conducted by Sony suggests it's pondering content changes to PlayStation Plus, potentially…
Commenter Blessrok remembers the good old days of the Sega Channel in today's Speak Up on Kotaku, and wonders how…
North American PlayStation Store shoppers may have some difficult decisions ahead of them. Tap into Dreamcast…
In a sign that either the PlayStation 3 version of Assassin's Creed Revelations needs more public beta testing than…
The newest PS3 firmware update (v3.70) adds auto-syncing trophies and an auto-upload function for online save…
Naughty Dog co-president Evan Wells wants gamers ready around 2 p.m. PDT tomorrow to download Uncharted 3's…
Now that the PlayStation Network has respawned across various parts of the globe this past weekend, Sony is saying…
It has been almost a week since Playstation Network went offline because of an external intrusion.
Big things are happening on the North American PlayStation Store this week with the downloadable release of DC…