Our monthly accounting of free games for PlayStation Plus subscribers is going to be a lot shorter from now on, as…

I take my anxious first steps into a desolate post-winter wasteland. All around me, I hear mutants scratching and…

The Yakuza series combine deep melodrama with exploration through vibrant city streets. Yakuza Kiwami is a remake…

Resident Evil 2’s reimagining of the 1998 original leaned heavily into action, with revamped camerawork and gunplay.…
By the end of Far Cry 5, the modern world was no more. Washed away in a gout of nuclear fire, all there was left to…
Apex Legends dropped into the battle royale genre with a strong first impression. There’s still an allure of…

Mr. X is Resident Evil 2 most dangerous enemy and greatest horror trump card. The near-immortal Tyrant stalks the…

Apex Legends might have a boring name, but it’s a lot of fun to play. Respawn’s battle royale ditches Titanfall’s…

If you never played 2016's Hitman on its own or via the levels’ inclusion in Hitman 2, this month’s PS Plus lineup…
Sometimes, it is better to let dreams be dreams. A 19-year-old man from Nice, France learned that the hard way when…

The Resident Evil 2 remake might not have the teeming hordes of the original, but it’s still packed with zombies and…
Monster Hunter: World launched its Appreciation Festival over the weekend, giving players a chance to replay…
Players are saying that their pre-orders for a limited edition, Kingdom Hearts 3-themed PlayStation 4 Pro console…
Whether you’re returning to Racoon City or a first time visitor, Resident Evil 2’s mixture of horror and action can…

There’s a lot to love about the new Resident Evil 2, from its brash bloodiness to the wide variety of experiences…

Tron’s lightcycles are some of most iconic bikes in the history of nerddom, but they could honestly use a few more…
Battlefield V moves into the next phase of its Tides of War system today. The latest update brings co-op game modes…
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey’s first expansion, Legacy of the First Blade, started strong, introducing players to the…
It wasn’t clear what would happen to the final season of Telltale’s The Walking Dead after the company’s sudden and…

Hollow Knight is a quiet game of exploration and difficult bosses that can take dozens of hours to complete. Last…