Sega's blogs are buzzing with the news that Phantasy Star Portable 2 is heading to North America this fall, with…
When a bunch of Phantasy Star Portable 2 panty shots appeared online, I thought, surely the game developers don't…
Panty shots of video game characters? Like the rising sun, inevitable, and we've seen them before. But what about…
The PSP Go is getting off to a demo-filled start in Japan this weekend with a bunch of new demos and games lined up…
In December, Phantasy Star Portable 2, with its online co-op play, is going on sale in Japan. A playable demo…
Hungry? SEGA Japan has teamed up with Pizza Hut by opening a virtual restaurant in the game's Gurhal Galaxy. Hello…
SEGA's action role-playing-game series is once again coming to the PSP with Phantasy Star Portable.
Phantasy Star Portable was a big hit and one of the biggest selling PSP games in Japan last year. So what do you…