In December, Phantasy Star Portable 2, with its online co-op play, is going on sale in Japan. A playable demo version of it will be given away by random drawing — make that, 20,000 versions of this.
Starting on November and continuing through the 12th, 19th and the 26th, fifty-thousand individuals will receive demo code for the game that can be used only for one week. Demo? In my day we called this a beta test.
Phantasy Star Portable 2 features online multiplayer, making it possible to playing with play and chat with fellow players across Japan.
Featuring double the voice acting and text as compared to the prequel, the game system has evolved as well, featuring quick escape, charge shot and new countering measures. There are new character designs as well.
Phantasy Star Portable 2 takes place 3 years after the previous title and is due out in Japan on December 3.
『ファンタシースターポータブル2』体験版のマルチモード利用権が20万人に配布 [ファミ通.com]