When Persona 5 came out last year in Japan, an animated short called The Day Breakers was released to help promote…
Persona 5 stars a group of Phantom Thieves who go on heists to steal the twisted desires of targets in the land of…
Here’s a bad thing about a very good video game: there are too many nights in Persona 5 where I want to go out on…
Persona 5, an otherwise wonderful game, definitely has some localization issues. You can find many examples of…
Persona 5's user interface is so beautiful and distinctive that the internet is now plastering it on nearly…
Canonically, the group of charming burglars in Persona 5 is dubbed the Phantom Thieves of Hearts. Persona 5 also…
While Persona 4 takes place in a town called “Inaba,” Persona 5 takes place in Tokyo.
I know, Persona 5 is barely out in the West. But it’s been out in Japan for months, giving loads of locals—and some…
Persona 5 is a game about Japanese teens, but the game never explains the nuances of Tokyo youth culture. It’s a…
The new RPG Persona 5 brought back the Shin Megami Tensei series staple of demon negotiation. In order to acquire…
Persona 5 isn’t just a fantastic video game, it’s an absolute feast for the senses, with a strong, confident art…
Yesterday, Atlus warned Persona 5 players that if they show gameplay footage after a certain point in the game,…
Before you start playing Persona 5, a video game about stylish teens learning how to take care of a cat, you need to…
Persona 5 may be fresh out this week on PS4, but don’t forget the game is also available on PS3. And has been out in…
Persona 5 is a chill game, so it’s only fitting that the developers at Atlus would have no chill whatsoever, openly…
Persona 5 is a really good game. It’s also complicated and occasionally unforgiving, with a ton of rules to learn…
Imagine your old high school. Picture the doors you’d pass through at the start of each day. See if you can recall…
The most common question we’ve gotten, when talking about how much we love the new video game Persona 5, is whether…
In the wake of Breath of the Wild turning out to be one of the greatest video games ever made, I have some bad news…
If you like Persona games, or just excellent video game documentaries in general, you should definitely check out the…