Persona 5 is a chill game, so it’s only fitting that the developers at Atlus would have no chill whatsoever, openly threatening content claims and strikes for anyone who streams too far in the story.
Today on their website, Atlus USA posted a note to streamers, asking everyone to refrain from spoiling Persona 5 and to avoid posting too many plot-heavy videos. They also slipped in this nugget:
This being a Japanese title with a single-playthrough story means our masters in Japan are very wary about it. Sharing is currently blocked through the native PS4 UI. However, if you do plan on streaming, video guidelines above apply except length. If you decide to stream past 7/7 (I HIGHLY RECOMMEND NOT DOING THIS, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED), you do so at the risk of being issued a content ID claim or worse, a channel strike/account suspension.
That being said, Persona 5 is a super special case for us and we’re in ongoing discussion about how our policies may evolve in the future. Thanks for reading and good luck in the Metaverse.
By “7/7,” Atlus is referring to July 7 in the calendar of Persona 5's school year, which begins in April. Essentially, they’re asking streamers to stop playing once they’ve gotten through about a third of the game.
Insanely, Atlus has also decided to block Persona 5's sharing features on PlayStation 4. It should be noted that these policies undoubtedly come from Atlus’s main headquarters in Japan (rather than Atlus USA), where developers can be a little sensitive when it comes to spoilers and streaming in general. (See: Nintendo.) It is also, as the kids might say, resoundingly unchill.