Visitors to PAX East last weekend get up-close and personal with a giant murdered man's face, courtesy of…
Portal 2, the latest rare release from one of the best game studios in the world, is one month away. How will you…
The makers of El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron don't clutter their game with health bars and point-counters.*…
I haven't played a massively multiplayer online game since the single Saturday afternoon I spent four years ago…
Events like last weekend's PAX East lend themselves to video game crossovers you'd never see outside of real life.
At some unspecified moment in Portal 2, we're going to hear from Cave Johnson, the man who founded Portal research…
During PAX East this weekend Microsoft hypoed up their attractive upcoming Xbox Live Arcade lineup with a series of…
If turning the plight of illegal immigrants risking their lives to sneak into the U.S. into a goofy iPhone racing…
The people who have turned the video game Civilization into a board game are continuing their improbable quest to…
Civilization: The Board Game from Fantasy Flight Games is no mere global Monopoly, no svelte Catan. It is a complic…
On the first day of PAX East, we got some good video game cosplay, but day two trumped the day one efforts. A Zelda…
This man is playing Dance Central, a dancing video game for the Xbox 360's Kinect sensor. He's at Boston's PAX…
Here's Shift 2: Unleashed being played at PAX East on three extremely large television screens, shot by our man…
I keep asking people who I run into at PAX East to tell me which games I should check out. Thank you, to whoever…
People dressed up as video game characters for PAX East here in Boston (I think most were supposed to be video game…
The Penny Arcade Expo East is shaping up to be the everyman's E3: An enormous expo dedicated to all things video…
Child of Eden, spiritual successor to Dreamcast classic Rez is the most colorful, trippy Xbox 360 Kinect game I've…
Portal 2 takes place after Portal, long after enough for Aperture Science to be wrecked and covered with…
BioWare kicks off PAX East with the brand-new Fate of the Galaxy trailer for Star Wars: The Old Republic. Prepare…
Some game booths here at PAX East turn heads because of their posters or their people dressed in mech suits. That's…