Today at PAX East, Kotaku hosted a panel where we allowed readers to "take over" the site. Here are some photos of…
Our own Kate Cox is at PAX East, liveblogging BioWare's Mass Effect Panel.
What would happen if the readers took over Kotaku? We decided to find out. At our panel at the Penny Arcade Expo in…
What would happen if the readers took over Kotaku? We decided to find out. At our panel at the Penny Arcade Expo in…
What would happen if the readers took over Kotaku? We decided to find out. At our panel at the Penny Arcade Expo in…
For the next hour we'll be handing control of Kotaku over to our PAX East readers. They'll be writing stories,…
We're about to hand control of Kotaku over to the fans at our PAX East panel from 2:30 to 3:30 Eastern. Kirk, Evan…
This giant statue fight was snapped outside the Aliens vs. Colonial Marines booth at PAX East 2012. Photo by Jason…
Most of Boston's PAX convention happens over a weekend, making it easier for working stiffs to attend. But it starts…
Today at PAX East, Stephen Totilo ran into a familiar face—Rana McAnear, the actress who provides the official…
After three months of running Kotaku, I've decided to bring you on board.
On Friday, April 6, you can take over Kotaku for one hour.... if you attend our PAX East panel!
Penny Arcade's annual convention has committed to a new contract with the Massachusetts city that keeps it in Red…
At the PAX East conference last year, a young man approached the microphone during the Q&A with Mike Krahulik and…
If you're itching to get your single-day or three-day passes for the 2012 Eastern Time branch of Penny Arcade's…
Founded by online gaming vets Chris Chung and Rick Lambright, Seattle-based startup Motiga aims to revolutionize…
Why do we have freaky giraffe-necked Andrew Garfield playing Spider-Man in the 2012 film reboot when the voice of…
You thought you saw all there was to see of Borderlands 2 at Gamescom last week? These two fresh shots direct from…
Capcom makes all of my zombie killing dreams come true this weekend as they reveal the all-new sandbox mode for Dead…
Earlier this month I played a game that felt, in the best of ways, like a side-scrolling Halo. Mixed with Metroid…