Capcom makes all of my zombie killing dreams come true this weekend as they reveal the all-new sandbox mode for Dead Rising 2 Off The Record at PAX, finally setting players loose into the undead apocalypse with no timer to hold them back.
Forget Zombrex. There's no helicopter on its way. It's just you, thousands of zombies, hundreds of weapons, and all the time in the world to do whatever you'd like. Since the release of the original Dead Rising, fans have been clamoring for a way to just while away the hours exploring the sights, sounds, and smells of Capcom's zombie wonderland. Now we'll finally get our chance. Unfettered. Free.
They've even placed challenges throughout Fortune City, so players wishing to inject a little structure into their chaos can take a little time to participate in zombie-slaughtering or collection challenges, earning extra cash in the process.
That's all I wanted Capcom. That plus Frank West and a $40 price tag was the key to unlocking my heart and my wallet when Dead Rising 2 Off The Record hits stores on October 11.
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