After Secret Wars is done, the Marvel Universe is going to look very different. Someone else is going to be the…
A question debated by geeks for decades gets answered in this week’s issue of Secret Wars. Spoilers ahead.
A Man of Steel who can’t fly. No heat vision. Cape torn to shreds. Yup, Action Comics #41 is the best Superman comic…
Eight years ago, in a Marvel Universe far, far away, Spider-Man was married. Then Marvel editorial had him make a…
Love gets a raw deal in modern comic books.
There’s no good way to digitally jump into the history of DC Comics—you know, only one of the most storied comics…
You know the drill: Worlds will live! Worlds will die! Lots of spin-offs! Marvel and DC Comics are pretty much doing…
Does the Hulk remind anyone else of Homer Simpson?
Descender is a comic book series where humans perform an ethnic cleansing of robots. Imagine the universe of Mass…
If you’ve had a hard time tamping down your excitement for the next Batman game, this probably isn’t going to help.
DC’s current big crossover ends today, and we’re finally getting a sense of the effects that Convergence will have…
Remember the chilling scene in the first Avengers movie in which Loki tells Black Widow to run to Piggly Wiggly to…
Pretty much everybody knows what Batman looks like: pointy ears, menacing cowl, voluminous cape and big bat symbol…
Superman isn’t as tough as he used to be. There’s a new guy calling himself Batman. You know what that means: it’s…
If you’ve seen Mad Max: Fury Road, you know that the movie doesn’t explain much about the blasted world it happens…
The Marvel Universe we knew is dead. In its place is a new gestalt planet, stitched together from pieces of the…
Scott Pilgrim first got introduced to the world 11 years ago, in a series of graphic novels that had the slacker…
You didn’t think the Clown Prince of Crime was going to be all lovey-dovey, did you?
By the time that Star Wars happens, the Jedi are practically extinct throughout all the galaxy. But in the latest…