In a way, nothing matters in the comics Marvel is publishing right now. The future of the company’s superhero…
Something happens in Arkham Knight that puts it way up in the running for Darkest Batman Story ever.
Marvel’s current mega-crossover has put one of its biggest villains in charge of everything. And the law enforcement…
Last week’s release of DC Comics’ We Are Robin #1 proved that anyone can become the embodiment of Batman’s sidekick…
The Joker finally figures out where Batman gets his wonderful toys in this awesome stop-motion animation. Who can…
The new Batman is a cop. The new Robins are pretty much a gang. So, yes, the new Batman is probably going to have to…
Harley Quinn’s one of the most popular new Batman characters to appear in the last few years. She’s finally playable…
Marvel said they were going young for their next on-screen Peter Parker. And they’ve done it, casting Wolf Hall star …
“All I want to do/is see six robots turn into/a giant woman.” Hasbro’s Fan Built Combiner poll culminates in the…
Ant-Man games big. LEGO set 76039, Ant-Man Final Battle, is highly recommended to anyone who enjoys photographic tiny people doing big things.
“You weren’t so quick to get rid of me last night.” “I notice you like to think you’re in control.” That’s the…
I’ve been taking Saga for granted. Some of you have been taking Saga for granted. Let’s not do that. This comic book…
The newest Dark Knight protecting Gotham City isn’t Bruce Wayne. That’s fine by me.
If you thought the way that an alternate-reality version of Batman dealt with Harley Quinn was surprising, then wait…
Always thought Harley Quinn was disturbing because of her twisted love affair with the Joker? Here’s a version of…
Tony Stark’s Iron Man is easily one the most popular character in the Marvel movie-verse. Once the Secret Wars smoke…
Ever since yesterday, Marvel’s been talking about how the next version of their superhero universe will look a whole…
Yesterday’s Star Wars comic dropped a big bombshell, introducing a character that changes everything we know about…