Welcome, wanderers, to Kotaku's official forum, known affectionately as Talk Amongst Yourselves. This is the place

Snake? Snnaaaake?! Hello, dear readers, you've managed to sneak into Talk Amongst Yourselves, Kotaku's official

Welcome, wanderers, to Kotaku's official forum, known affectionately as Talk Amongst Yourselves. This is the place

Welcome, wanderers, to Kotaku's official forum, known affectionately as Talk Amongst Yourselves. This is the place

Welcome, wanderers, to Kotaku's official forum, known affectionately as Talk Amongst Yourselves. This is the place

Welcome, wanderers, to Kotaku's official forum, known affectionately as Talk Amongst Yourselves. This is the place

Welcome, wanderers, to Kotaku's official forum, known affectionately as Talk Amongst Yourselves. This is the place

Welcome, wanderers, to Kotaku's official forum, known affectionately as Talk Amongst Yourselves. This is the place

On Monday, the early bird gets the alien. Or something like that. No matter what time you wake up, you can still

Not only is it Friday, it's the day before St. Patrick's Day. That means that, depending on where you live, your

It's Thursday, meaning that you can smell the weekend from here. Hang in there. Until the end of the work week, you

Wednesday's commonly known as Hump Day but around these parts we call it the Dawn of the Foreboding Dread. But fear

It's Tuesday, the day when we battle to the death! Welcome to Kotaku's official forum, known affectionately as Talk

You ever wonder what we might find out there in the stars, folks? We can discuss those things and more in this very
