It is now officially April, the month that starts with fooling and ends with frolic! Welcome, wanderers, to…
April Fools. We don't yet have a new image, we're still using March's because kaploy9 barely beat the deadline and…
All aboard the Friday train. Next stop, the weekend! Welcome, wanderers, to Kotaku's official forum, known…
Welcome, wanderers, to Kotaku's official forum, known affectionately as Talk Amongst Yourselves. This is the place…
Snake? Snnaaaake?! Hello, dear readers, you've managed to sneak into Talk Amongst Yourselves, Kotaku's official…
Welcome, wanderers, to Kotaku's official forum, known affectionately as Talk Amongst Yourselves. This is the place…
Welcome, wanderers, to Kotaku's official forum, known affectionately as Talk Amongst Yourselves. This is the place…
An exquisite 8-bit version of Vasily Perov's The Hunters at Rest—complete with Asshole Dog—is our latest TAYpic,…
Welcome, wanderers, to Kotaku's official forum, known affectionately as Talk Amongst Yourselves. This is the place…
Welcome, wanderers, to Kotaku's official forum, known affectionately as Talk Amongst Yourselves. This is the place…
Welcome, wanderers, to Kotaku's official forum, known affectionately as Talk Amongst Yourselves. This is the place…
Welcome, wanderers, to Kotaku's official forum, known affectionately as Talk Amongst Yourselves. This is the place…
On Monday, the early bird gets the alien. Or something like that. No matter what time you wake up, you can still…
Ape Escape is the inspiration for our latest TAYpic, by commenter pan1da7. Good morning and welcome to Weekend Talk…
Not only is it Friday, it's the day before St. Patrick's Day. That means that, depending on where you live, your…
It's Thursday, meaning that you can smell the weekend from here. Hang in there. Until the end of the work week, you…
Wednesday's commonly known as Hump Day but around these parts we call it the Dawn of the Foreboding Dread. But fear…
It's Tuesday, the day when we battle to the death! Welcome to Kotaku's official forum, known affectionately as Talk…
You ever wonder what we might find out there in the stars, folks? We can discuss those things and more in this very…
Connor honed his assassin's skill as an army surgeon, apparently. Good morning, and welcome to Weekend Talk Amongst…