Gather around, friends. We have the finest surgeons ready to take care of your every medical need, or we could just…
When the last enemy gives his life for whatever pointless cause he was defending, we'll push the bodies aside to…
Rush to the safe zone and stock up on video game discussion points with like-minded survivalists in Kotaku's…
We can all be friends no matter the color of our overalls or our desperate need to kidnap princesses, as long as we…
Let's all gather around the campfire, the only place it's safe to spend the day discussing video games in Kotaku's…
A trio of hunters makes for an appropriate scene set within Trine, by commenter Snufkin. Good morning and welcome to…
With only a few days left before the Reaper invasion, it's a good time to gather with your friends, loved ones and…
Man, is it March already? Time rolls on and so must Talk Amongst Yourselves, the place where you can air your views…
We won't be able to discuss video games in Kotaku's official forum on February 29 again for another four years, so…
We've beefed up security here in the official Kotaku forums, so grab yourself someone with a keen eye and get in…
Time to step into the squared circle of talking and philosophical wrasslin', brother! Welcome to Kotaku's official…
Welcome to Weekend Talk Amongst Yourselves, your one-stop alternative for bantering, chatting, conversing and…
And, lo, there came a day when Kotaku's official forum descended upon the world of Man. Its name came to be known…
It's time to gather round the tavern table for another day of talking video games with your peers in Kotaku's great…
Here is where you can speak your mind, wanderers. Welcome to Kotaku's official forum, known affectionately as Talk…
You are all royalty. Did you know that? Well, you are here, at least. That's because this is is Kotaku's official…
Praise be [Higher_Power_Of_Choice]! This is Kotaku's official forum, known affectionately as Talk Amongst…
What manner of man is this who can summon up Talk Amongst Yourselves without flint or tinder ...
What madness is this, then? This is Kotaku's official forum, known affectionately as Talk Amongst Yourselves, where…
You know the deal, troops. This is Kotaku's official forum, known affectionately as Talk Amongst Yourselves, where…