Doctor Boskonovitch is a downloadable recently unlocked Tekken Tag Tournament 2 character who is full of piss and…
Dark Souls was notoriously one of the most challenging games of 2011. It killed players over and over, sometimes…
The "Saudi Arabia" stage of Tekken Tag Tournament 2 features some Arabic script on the floor. The Arabic script is…
This last week I picked up the Capcom/Namco-Bandai/Sega mega crossover Project X Zone. The game sports characters…
Project X Zone is a game that combines many of Capcom, Sega, and Namco-Bandai's most famous franchises into one…
Like the Tales of Xillia 2 bus, here's a pair of cars (Auris and Aqua) that were turned into Tales itasha.
You know how hard it is to cover something in stickers? Like how to get the stickers just right, so they are totally…
Here's the trailer for Gundam Breaker, the upcoming Gundam game that uses Gundam models of various scale (both…
While at this year's Tokyo Game Show, I got my first hands on with the Wii U. Other Kotaku editors have used the Wii…
Project X Zone is the mega-crossover game from Capcom, Namco-Bandai, and Sega starring a staggering list of…
Famed manga JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is once again bringing its colorful cast of characters and day-glo visual…
Namco's Tekken series is making the leap to the Wii U. The fighting game favorite is one of the first big games…
Who doesn't love giant robots battling each other? The Gundam series has over 30 years worth of fandom history to…
As promised, the R&B singer/songwriter Frank Ocean brought John Mayer to last night's performance on Saturday Night…
The biggest thing Dark Souls (and spiritual ancestor Demon's Souls) has going for it is that it's hard as shit.…
I do love me some arcade marquees. The colours, the hand-drawn art, it's all so very Roger Dean.
For those of you who've always wanted to smell like One Piece, you're in luck! Namco Bandai is offering perfume…
My memory is foggy. I'm getting older. But I sure don't remember Digimon being this sexualized. Do you?
Tekken Tag Tournament 2 feels a bit like a best-of album. Almost everything likeable about Namco's fighting game…
It's not uncommon for video game companies to reference their own games in...their own games. But Yakuza 5, never…