Today, the official website of actor Kane Kosugi issued a correction and apology, stating the actor wasn't starring in a prequel called Tekken - A Man Called X, but rather, a non-Tekken movie with the temp title Agent X. "We would like to apologize for the ineptitude on our part," stated Kosugi's official site. Not Read more

The PlayStation 3 will get the free-to-play Tekken Revolution on June 11, according to GameSpot (at 19:30 of the video linked) Characters shown include Kazuya, Lars, Bryan and Paul [via EventHubs]

Hungry for more of From Software's brutally abusive fantasy RPG world? Watch IGN's reveal of Dark Souls II right here. Read more

The Star Trek video game is out on April 23, 2013. Find out about pre-order perks and more info on the official site.
