Secret agent James Bond doesn't just have gadgets and charm at his disposal. He can also count on a number of glitch…
Secret agent James Bond doesn't just have gadgets and charm at his disposal. He can also count on a number of glitch…
Balls in the face might be the deadliest of them all, but the other 103 threats were still dangerous enough to…
The moon from Majora's Mask looks a lot scarier on Vincent Bisschop's artwork from deviantART. It's definitely up there with the one from the upcoming Hyrule Warriors. Read more
Kotaku secrets revealed: the entire staff does not uniformly appreciate the excellence of Pilotwings 64, a game that lets you jump across the United States. Very sad.
Despite being released nearly 16 years ago, speedrunners are still finding neat glitches inside of Ocarina of Time.…
The first Smash Bros. came out for the Nintendo 64 in 1999. The latest Smash Bros. came out for the Wii in 2008.…
Your boring old grey console is totally lame compared to this hot pink Barbie Corvette that craftsman Robin Graves…
"You won't like me when I'm angry" might make sense as a tagline for an angsty green monster like the incredible…
Artist Vincent Bisschop redrew two boss fights from The Legend of Zelda games in a really atmospheric way. Here's Queen Gohma above, from Ocarina of Time, and Kalle Demos below from Wind Waker. Read more
We've seen portable retro consoles before, but this N64 mod is beautiful. Not only that, but it looks like there…
Just because you've used the N64 before doesn't mean you know everything about it, hotshot. The 18 year old console…
The more television technology advances, the harder it is to keep our classic consoles hooked up. Modder Marshall…
Take Batman out of Frank Miller's classic story about an older Batman coming out of retirement. Replace him with…
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is the favorite of many, and a classic like this deserves maps with similar…
Custom N64s aren't so rare, but this green N64 has gotta be one of the more fabulous custom N64 out there—just look…
As Christmas approaches, now is the time to reflect on holidays past. And what better way to celebrate that than…
The last 300 stores owned by rental chain Blockbuster in the U.S. will be closed by January. If the news was as a…
Man. What a gorgeous N64. Just like most of Zoki64's work, it's so pretty that I'd almost feel bad for using the…
The graphics of early 3D games such as Donkey Kong 64, Conker's Bad Fur Day or The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time…