We've known since E3 that NBA 2K11 would be playable with the PlayStation Move. Today, 2K Sports gave the first…
What makes this promotional video isn't the Sports Champions gameplay. Rather, it's the sheer number of outfits…
Welcome back Kevin Butler, VP of wonderful advertising, we've missed you.
I knew there must have been a reason for the robot ice cream cones to glow.
The Playstation Move brings Playstation 3 owners into the world of motion gaming with a high-definition bang. Are…
This is your guide to everything you need to know about the PlayStation Move: how it works, what it costs, and what…
We've had our say, plenty of say, about the Playstation Move. Now it's your turn. Join us at 1 p.m. eastern today on…
There's not a whole lot you can do with the EyePet at this point to make it the sort of game I'd want to play.
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11 gets a healthy helping of motion controlling when the Move releases later this month.
High Velocity Bowling first hit the Playstation Network back in 2007, but later this month it's getting an update,…
Firemint's ultra-popular iPhone game, Flight Control, is also Move compatible on the Playstation 3.
We have a Move and a Navigation Controller. The PlayStation 3's new motion controllers pose here, alongside fruit, a…
Due out later this month, the Playstation Move promises to deliver the best of two worlds: The motion-sensing…
Should you buy the Playstation Move? What's the best motion game on the Playstation 3? What's the worst? What do…
Sony has released a new tech demo video for its upcoming motion controller, the PlayStation Move. It's a tech demo,…
A Lombax, a raccoon, and an elf stumble into a nefarious plot the plunges them and their sidekicks into a…
It's actually a rather nice t-shirt, complete with official PlayStation branding and a lanyard, as seen in the swag…
I've played Ubisoft's real-time strategy game R.U.S.E. plenty of times with gamepads and keyboards, But this week…
But that's okay! Here is a promotional video for an upcoming "Big 3 Gun Shooting" bundle for Japan. Stick with the…