Red Steel 2 was reviewed favorably, but that doesn't mean it was a success. Its disappointing sales performance,…
Some additional suggestions for safe usage of PlayStation Move's wand, by Androsko, inspired by the Move's demo…
Sony's motion-sensing Playstation Move hits stores next month, but that doesn't mean you're going to have to wait a…
Does anyone know what the best way is to control a Resident Evil game anymore? At least Capcom keeps doling out…
I don't know how amazing the games of PlayStation Move, September's Wii-like PlayStation 3 motion controller, are…
This is a page from Sony's Holiday 2010 catalog. Click it to enlarge before you start debating it. One element not…
This look at Microsoft's internal take on the true cost of motion gaming, obtained by Kotaku, has its charm, but…
Microsoft's Kinect add-on for the Xbox 360 will be $150 and come with a copy of Kinect Adventures when the motion…
The PlayStation Move, like a Wii Remote bolstered by Motion Plus is supposed to tolerate people who stop pointing…
The Nintendo Wii launched nearly four years ago and it undoubtedly changed how we view and approach gaming. Even…
Sony has released a list of upcoming titles for the PlayStation Move's Japanese release. Accompanying that is a new…
On October 21, the PlayStation Move will hit Japanese retail. That's not all as there will be Move games as well.…
When Capcom showed survival horror game Resident Evil 5 being played with PS3 Move motion controls at last year's…
One of the of the most important games of E3, Dance Central, may not be an Xbox 360 exclusive.
The big news popping out of this year's Electronic Entertainment Expo was more about what was missing than what was…
The King of Pop Michael Jackson is no stranger to video games. Besides appearances in SEGA games like Space Channel…
The PlayStation people promise a lot of things. They did one year ago. Now those promises and plans are being…
During the latest episode of Bonus Round, analyst supreme Michael Pachter may have accidentally let the cat out of…
Sony's PlayStation Move motion control peripheral has a lot in common with the Nintendo Wii, leading many to fear…