The Monster Hunter World beta launches on December 9, giving players a little pre-season hunting before the game’s January 26 release. PlayStation 4 owners will be able to dress up as Horizon: Zero Dawn’s Aloy, complete with robot cat thing. Excellent.

The most worthless 3DS game in the world? Probably Monster Hunter 4, which sold a colossal 4 million copies in Japan, more than almost anything else. Now they can’t give them away; witness a whole pile of minty-fresh copies in this 100-yen (about $1) bin outside the store Surugaya in Akihabara today.

Monster Hunter XX sold 848,467 copies in its first week on sale on Japan. In comparison, Monster Hunter X sold 1,488,367 copes in its first week in the region, while Monster Hunter 4G sold 1,446,289 copies during its debut week. 

Capcom announced a new Monster Hunter game. It’s called Monster Hunter XX (as in “double cross”) and has one rather messy looking logo. The game is for the 3DS and will be out March 18, 2017 in Japan. No word yet on an international release.
