Here's something to shiver the timbers of Monkey Island fans the seven seas over: a poster, available for sale,…
Telltale's third Monkey Island episode will be out September 29. Here are some screenshots. One may look a little…
Wil Wheaton was a hero. Online porn was primitive. His parents got him a computer when he was a kid that had 8K of…
Skepticism takes a holiday in Argentina, where three TV personalities - one of them a doctor - break the news that…
The second island of Telltale's take on Monkey Island will be out on PC this Thursday. My, how time flies. In the…
Telltale's episodic adventure games aren't terribly long, so if you bought it, you should have finished the first…
It's not that we don't think Monkey Island: Special Edition looked bad. It looks great! But if it had looked as good…
Pretty sure that regardless of where you are on this rotating ball of dirt, as you're reading this, it's Monday,…
Gotta love this Monkey Island renaissance. Not only does it get us new Monkey Island games, it gets us new Monkey…
Hey, kids! Time to put that iPhone (or iPod Touch!) to good use, as Lucasarts have just released the rather…
The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition is a tough one to review. It's not really fair to review the game, is…
Xbox Live Arcade gets a double dose of nostalgia this week, thanks to the addition of The Secret of Monkey Island:…
Video games have been generating laughter since the days of text-based adventures. Can today's more complicated…
Telltale Games aims to bring the comedy, adventure and swashbuckling of the classic Monkey Island games to a whole…
After what feels like a decade of asking for it, Lucasarts have finally begun to re-release their classic adventure…
With both a new Monkey Island and a remake of the original on the way, people once again have the classic series on…
Yeah. More custom sneakers. Don't like 'em? Then you're not looking at the damn picture, because these are Monkey…
Are the ridiculous, wild goose chase puzzles of classic adventure games obsolete? Michael Abbott at the Brainy…
Ron Gilbert is probably best known for his work at LucasArts, where he worked on such favorites as Maniac Mansion, T…