Technically I know advanced assassination techniques, but it’s all a sort of Kung Fu as far as NCsoft’s latest…
Last night I fell asleep in my computer chair.
I’d love to be able to report this week that I’ve reached the new level cap and experienced some of the high-end…
I’m trying to write my initial Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward expansion MMO log in such a way as to minimize my time…
On the Alliance side World of Warcraft's fifth expansion is all about saving the world. On the Horde side it's all…
From lowly newbie Shaman to decorated General of the Alliance with his own castle stronghold in a little over a…
Having hit level 100 in World of Warcraft's Warlords of Draenor expansion pack earlier this week, I spent early…
At around 4 AM Eastern this morning, less than a week after the release of World of Warcraft's fifth expansion pack,…
You know those early stages of love, when you just can't seem to get enough of the other person, yet it feels as if…
In preparation for our full review of The Elder Scrolls Online, each week I'll be presenting a journal of what I've…
It's been one week since I donned my tail and cat ears and began my journey into The Elder Scrolls Online, and I'm…
I watched this guy eat bread for ten minutes. Then I tried to jump on his head, and was thrown into nothingness.
Meet Rande. He's a level 5 Khajiit Nightblade named after my dead cat. He'll be my representative in the world of…
Welcome to the third and final MMO Log before we slap a review on Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn and call it the…
I really wanted this week's video MMO log for Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn to show you my ascension from Lancer…
I got a lot of flack last weekend when I wrote about Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn's launch being a disaster. I…
It's the final week of my coverage of En Masse Entertainment's massively multiplayer fantasy role-playing game Tera.…
The plan was to spend a series of four consecutive weeks playing En Masse Entertainment's massively multiplayer…
Having spent a couple of weeks in the exiled world of Arborea in the delicate boots of a pretty pink Sorcerer, for…
Since En Masse Entertainment's massively multiplayer fantasy role-playing game Tera officially launched last week…