When it comes to epic battles between fictional forces, I generally find myself siding with the good guys. If I were…
It's too bad there's no option to just settle down and retire in BioWare's Star Wars: The Old Republic. After hours…
What happens when a crazy Smuggler is joined by, a Jedi Consular, a Trooper, and a Sith Warrior in week two of Kotaku…
While the rest of Kotaku dedicated themselves to squeezing every ounce of gaming out of the world we live in last…
After three weeks of fighting crime, I decided to fight for crime in D.C. Universe Online, starting anew as a…
The makers of DC Universe Online advised that some missions are unbeatable without resorting to that classic…
DC Universe Online is meant to be grind-free; players will advance by completing missions, not menial tasks. So…
As a boy my paper route money went to comic books, stories of people coming to terms with their strange powers and…
Our second and final MMO Log for World of Warcraft's Cataclysm expansion begins with a five-year-old Horde…
It's been a week since Blizzard unleashed the Cataclysm in World of Warcraft, and I spent the past seven days…
After a brief vacation delay, we're back with the final entry in our four-part LEGO Universe MMO log. We'll keep…
This week's installment of our four-part LEGO Universe MMO Log begins with the death of RumbleWarpWhistle and the…
Having exhausted a majority of the questing content during my first week playing LEGO Universe, I dedicated my…
Join me as I take the first steps in a four-week journey into the colorful candy world of NetDevil's LEGO Universe.
It's the fourth week of my four-week feast of Final Fantasy XIV, and my jaws are seriously getting tired.
Does the Final Fantasy XIV experience change greatly once you have a group of like-minded individuals to share the…
In the first Final Fantasy XIV MMO Log, I wondered what my motivation for playing the game was. This week I decided…
As part of Kotaku's extended massively-multiplayer role-playing game review process, I spent the better part of the…
They say a journey of a thousand miles begins with character creation.
In this, my final MMO Log for Star Trek Online, I desperately claw my way through PVP combat and missions based on…