Yesterday, the website MCV reported that Mojang was boycotting E3 due to the ESA's support of SOPA, the Stop Online…
People have made all sorts of things in Minecraft. Just recently, we've seen cities from both Game of Thrones and F…
Minecraft griefers are scary. Real life Minecraft griefers are even scarier. So watch out for flying pickaxes. And…
Yup, people are still making other people's stuff in Minecraft. Like this village, modelled after the starting point…
The hip, small-time boutique publishing label Electronic Arts revealed its "Indie Bundle" yesterday—curiously for…
If you're building something particularly large-scale (and therefore cumbersome) in Minecraft, it might take you…
By now you must be familiar with WesterosCraft, the long-running (and long-insane) project to reconstruct the entire…
"The very first death threat I got was when we decided not to support dedicated servers in Modern Warfare 2," Robert…
I can't tell if the fan-made trailer for 0x10c—the upcoming game from Markus 'Notch' Person—is supposed to be…
From Shinra HQ to Wall Market, it's all there. Final Fantasy VII's capital city of Midgar. In its entirety.
Internet superstar Tom Scott (who we were only talking about a few weeks back) wanted to play some mini-golf for…
Len Peralta just has a way of bringing out the pony fan in today's most respected video game developers. After…
Sick of waiting for the final version of Valve's upcoming Dota 2? You can play a totally unique version of the…
Folks that don't play Minecraft often laugh at fans of Mojang's blocky building game, wondering how they can be…
I don't think anyone can say they don't like Disney World. But if it's missing something, it's certainly a Minecraf…
Konami came close to a satisfying 3D Castlevania experience with Lord of Shadows, it was missing a certain…
Back in March, I found a new reason to get excited about the Xbox 360 version of Mincraft. Namely, split-screen…
Minecraft creator Markus "Notch Persson" has been tweeting all sorts of details about his upcoming space simulator,…
The man who made the grand, open-ended Minecraft appears to want to go bigger with his next game. Markus "Notch"…
You've already seen pictures of the tremendous Minecraft take on the world of Game of Thrones. Now there's full-on…