Would a really sweet and totally accurate physics engine really add much to the addictive gameplay of…
If you’re the guy who made Minecraft, you’ve got it good. Your game’s a hit. You’re getting lots of money for it and …
I don't normally associate feelings of tranquillity with playing Minecraft. Normally it's a blend of tedium and…
Commenter Crusader1025 ponders why some of the best games are created by development teams that barely qualify as…
The truth of the matter is that Minecraft maestro Markus "Notch" Persson won five awards at the Game Developers…
Generally, those who create monster indie game hits don't follow up by spouting, well, corporate attitudes about…
Penny Arcade and Minecraft are teaming up to make a new game that seeks to reinvent the classic collectible card…
Noting that a lot of people dislike achievements, Minecraft creator Markus "Notch" Persson says he's still a fan of…
Filmmaker Martin Waltz loves Minecraft so much that he decided to pay homage the only way he knew how: by knocking…
It looks like Minecraft and plays like Minecraft, but this is definitely not Minecraft. This is FortressCraft, a…
2 Player Productions, the world's finest purveyors of video game documentaries, are in a bind. Having filmed a…
Rejoice miners! An official version of Minecraft is coming to the iPhone, iPad and even the Android.
With a haunting trailer that went instantly viral this past week, Dead Island joined Minecraft as a YouTube…
Part of the whole point of indie PC hit Minecraft is that it's a word-of-mouth kind of deal. So a commercial, even…
Not only does this note-block ballad of "Bohemian Rhapsody" span (nearly) a virtuoso five minutes in Minecraft,…
Combining zombies and Minecraft crafts one hell of a video, as Corridor Digital demonstrates here in the…
What new and creative applications can be made with world-building indie hit Minecraft? How about marriage…
Garry's Mod is powerful, but not this powerful. That's where "Photoshop" comes in. But this brilliant…
Just as you think you're getting to the point where you loudly exclaim "enough of the f**king Minecraft videos…