The story of Midway's recent woes makes for grim reading if you read every story individually. But if you combine…
Bankrupt Midway may have a financial savior in Warner Bros., as the media giant—which happens to have a game…
Midway's creditors—and the judge presiding in the company's bankruptcy case—sound... displeased by the Chicago-based…
Stranglehold, the Midway video game with John Woo's name slapped on it, is getting a movie version. He won't be…
Midway are in trouble. No, wait. Midway are in deep trouble. Know what would help? If somebody bought the company.…
Poor Midway. If it's not one thing, it's another. The latest news to come out of the beleaguered firm's bankruptcy…
With Midway in the middle of troublesome bankruptcy proceedings and rumors of the Mortal Kombat dev team leaving,…
Midway's team of developers responsible for the 17-year-old Mortal Kombat franchise is currently in active talks…
Mortal Kombat publisher Midway caught some heat from its creditors and a government-appointed trustee over some…
As we told you at the start of the month, Midway are - despite poor sales and a bankruptcy filing - still finding…
Midway's European operations are not part of its chapter 11 reorganization, which means the devs there, having…
It's already been announced that the Stranglehold movie won't be directed by Hong Kong filmmaker John Woo. Instead,…
Stranglehold, the collaboration between game company Midway and Hong Kong action director John Woo, is in early talks
There are already thousands of games on the Wii. The vast majority of them are pure garbage. How, then, can…
Midway's John Woo-backed shooter Stranglehold may be turned into a movie, according to Hollywood Reporter.
Along with several shots of driving and explosions, this latest set of screens for Midway's Wheelman serve as a…
The U.S. Bankruptcy Court has subpeonead multimedia mogul Sumner Redstone and his daughter Shari in order to…
1.31gigs worth of Vin Diesel-flavored action is now available for download, as Midway's Wheelman demo barrel rolls…
What can't virtual Vin Diesel do? He escapes from space prisons, engages in mech combat, and now he rides a…
History lesson: despite decreasing sales and quality standards of late, Mortal Kombat is without a doubt Midway's…