Today is a big day for PC gamers. The Sims 4 comes out. While this gives us all a great opportunity to brush up on…
Peter Richie's SimCity 4 project, called (what else) Megacity One, is like something out of a science-fiction story.…
The Kiss: here's a great story by Simon Parkin about the same-sex kiss at an E3 demo in 1999 that basically saved The Sims. Read more
One year later, SimCity will finally be playable without an Internet connection—a new update, live today, adds an…
In the wake of yesterday's news that SimCity will be getting an offline version, EA has come out with a blog post…
After insisting a year ago that such a mode was nearly impossible, offline play is coming to SimCity, Maxis has…
After a "first draft" that put the brakes on most anything interesting, SimCity has published its policy on mods. It means they'll allow some building re-skinning and creation, like this rail station. No changes to gameplay. As for an offline mode? "We are still exploring" that, which is what they said in October, too.
I love watching the streets of SimCity 2013. The cars and people zipping by, streets stretching to the horizon. Look…
In 1993, Britain's Channel 4 ran a four-part documentary series on video games. The third episode was about SimCity,…
Educational outfit Glasslab Games have taken Maxis' misguided SimCity and tried to wrestle something genuinely…
Word is that SimCity plays better these days. But it's safer to just wait for a sequel and not step back into early…
On October 1, President Obama took the stage at a press conference and did something unusual for the leader of the…
The good news is that SimCity will soon be allowing user-generated content. The bad news is that EA is looking to…
SimCity is going to the future, where hopefully the servers are better.
The Sims 4, targets for a 2014 PC release, will have "emotion-based gameplay," according to Rachel Franklin, exec…
SimCity had one of the most catastrophic launches in video game history. Even after the server problems went away,…
It seems a few players were a little upset with the way the most recent installment of SimCity turned out. Today a…
Darkspore is back on Steam, EA tells us today. You can find it in the store. They've confirmed that Error 3, which was blocking players from saving changes to their heroes, has been fixed. Though not widespread, a few people are still reporting difficulties of logging in due to Error 73003, but EA promises they're… Read more
Earlier today we linked to a report from GameTrailers noting that EA would not be supporting their 2011-released RPG …
If your $50 copy of SimCity is lying unused, would a $9 piece of DLC adding a few balloons get you playing again?