Anarchy Reigns (released as Max Anarchy in Japan) is a beat ‘em up title from the makers of Bayonetta in the vein of …
Anarchy Reigns may have a decent single player campaign, but where this game really shines is in the multiplayer.…
Going into Anarchy Reigns, I knew two things about it. 1) It was made by Platinum Games and 2) you could play as…
With all the hype surrounding Platinum Games' Metal Gear title, another of their games, Anarchy Reigns, has…
"Hide your wife. Hide your husband. They are drillin' everybody out here." So warns the latest character trailer…
Kotaku readers, meet Durga. He's the latest addition to Platinum Games and Sega's Anarchy Reigns, a man with…
She's one part Bayonetta, one part purple people beater. She's Mathilda, and she's ready to enter the blood-soaked…
See the four revealed contenders in Platinum Games' Anarchy Reigns—aka Max Anarchy—go at it chainsaw on katana on…
Bayonetta and Madworld makers PlatinumGames are giving us Anarchy Reigns (aka Max Anarchy) next, an online beat…
The game we've known as Max Anarchy until now—well, for the past two days—will be known as Anarchy Reigns when it…
The makers of Max Anarchy, who also made Bayonetta, Madworld and Vanquish, believe they have an all-new genre on…
...Max Anarchy, a new online multiplayer game for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, a title revealed in the latest…