Travis Touchdown saves the game by taking a dump. And Jack? Jack...he’s a psycho maniac. The irreverent humor of No…
Travis Touchdown saves the game by taking a dump. And Jack? Jack...he’s a psycho maniac. The irreverent humor of No…
The evolution of graphics and physics engines (just think about ragdoll physics) in video games introduced a whole…
Anarchy Reigns may have a decent single player campaign, but where this game really shines is in the multiplayer.…
Going into Anarchy Reigns, I knew two things about it. 1) It was made by Platinum Games and 2) you could play as…
In today's design-minded edition of Speak Up on Kotaku, commenter DrZaius looks at design elements of ten gaming…
Anarchy Reigns from Osaka's Platinum Games is like violent Wii title MadWorld—except people are going to buy it.
If nothing else, PlatinumGames' multiplayer brawler Anarchy Reigns is another chance to get up close and personal…
The game we've known as Max Anarchy until now—well, for the past two days—will be known as Anarchy Reigns when it…
The makers of Max Anarchy, who also made Bayonetta, Madworld and Vanquish, believe they have an all-new genre on…
...Max Anarchy, a new online multiplayer game for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, a title revealed in the latest…
We're not just debating the best video game of 2009 this week. We've got other awards to dole out. Today, I declare…
Platinum Games debut Wii game, the bloody beat 'em up Madworld, may not have been a blockbuster success, but that…
Now that Sega has shipped Platinum Games' infinite climax action game Bayonetta to stores, the third release from…
Poor sales of MadWorld and House of the Dead: Overkill shook Sega's resolve over mature titles for the Nintendo…
Platinum Games wheeled out this pointy lady to play through Wii title MadWorld at an Chun Soft and Spike event in…
Black and white and red Wii title MadWorld was made by Japanese developers, but wasn't announced for The Land of…
Kotaku sat with the new chief of Sega's American and European divisions yesterday to get an update on everything…
Third party Wii titles like MadWorld and The Conduit are aimed towards core gamers. And...they're not selling so…
SEGA's record with mature Wii titles has been so-so at best. MadWorld was not a hit. House of the Dead: Overkill…
Despite the poor sales of House of the Dead: Overkill and MadWorld, Sega still has plenty of publishing love set…