2K Games nails down a (hopefully) concrete release date for Mafia II, with fans getting their first taste of the…
What differentiates Mafia II from other open world gangster games, especially Take-Two's other popular driving and…
Gangster title Mafia II is set during the 1950s. That's not only a golden age for organized crimes, but also for…
The latest trailer for upcoming multi-platform gangster game Mafia II provides another glimpse of Vito Scaletta as…
Take-Two Interactive has a very busy fiscal fourth quarter, pegging four big games, L.A. Noire, Mafia II, Max Payne…
Just in case you're feeling the need to put on a thick NY Italian accent today and say off-the-cuff things about…
I walked away from my Mafia II demo at E3 pretty impressed with what the guys at 2K were doing with the series. Now…
Following the delay of BioShock 2, the game's publisher announced that it expects to launch it, Red Dead Redemption, …
Funny thing, making a sequel to Mafia. A game that, for all its innovation, has been forgotten in the wake of the…
Take-Two Interactive announced delays for two of its upcoming open-world games today, pushing back the release dates…
Mafia II is a "buddy story," in the words of Producer Denby Grace – a tale of a mid-50s era mobster protecting his…
This comes across the pond from Norway so, be prepared for lots of "laster" (I guess that's "buffering"). Settle in…
I can't say anything about the game, yet. But this swag should tell you all you need to know for now about 2K's…
Having received many questions regarding whether or not the Mafia II trailer was a real-time, in-game movie,…
Gamercenteronline begged and pleaded and got its hands on three screens for Halo Wars, the real-time strategy…