To prove a point to me about Madden at E3, Peter Moore overstepped the possible and tiptoed on the unbelievable.
In 1990, Electronic Arts reverse-engineered the Sega Genesis to begin development of a game for it, fully aware that…

Madden NFL 11's remade cooperative online play this year, but rather than bog down in a technical discussion,…
We're now one week (and 30 minutes, to be exact) from the traditional midnight launch of Madden NFL, and Walmart's…
Seven NFL teams' fight songs are included for the first time this year in the Madden NFL soundtrack - unfortunately…
Winding up its screenshot tour of the National Football League, Madden NFL 11 takes us to the NFC North and NFC…
Although the Supreme Court today refused to give the NFL an antitrust exemption in negotiating exclusive licenses -…
Ordinarily, sports demos match up the participants of the championship game from the preceding year. This time EA…
NFL Hall of Famer John Madden lent his name to the popular EA franchise Madden NFL franchise. This spring, the…
A survey conducted by the University of Oregon's Warsaw Sports Marketing Center has indicated that playing EA…
Attention all professional athletes who use Kotaku as your primary news source: if you want to secure the…