Bloody MadWorld isn't your typical Wii game by any stretch. It's got mini-games, but violent ones. Wii Sports, this…
Sega wanted to clear something up about MadWorld at Games Convention. You won't just be cruising the black and white…
Hey, a new Mad World trailer. And new Mad World screens. With buses that have giant spikes attached to them. And…
Click to view Black and white mayhem galore! Instruments of death include: airplane engines, moving trains,…
Lots of people own Wiis. I own a Wii and maybe you do, too. And because so many people own Wiis, that means we get…
It's about damn time the media watchdog groups got around to blasting Sega and PlatinumGames' upcoming…
The Platinum Games developed SEGA published Madworld looks great. It's a black and white (and red) Wii title takes…
After wowing the assembled press during the demo of Devil May Cry challenger Bayonetta, the folks at PlatinumGames…
Choices, choices, choices. We've got three home console platforms: PS3, Xbox 360 and Wii. (Don't forget the PC!)…
Like what you've seen so far from Platinum Games? Good, because bet your ass there's going to be more. Sequels,…
Hello, this is Platinum Games' MADWORLD trailer. It's here to kick your teeth in. The monochrome and crimson Wii…
Sometimes a rumor is a rumor only because the press release hasn't hit yet, as is the case with Sega's newly…
While former Clover devs showed off three games at last night's Platinum/Sega announcement, it was Madworld that…
Black, white and blood: It's a formula that Sega of America head honcho Simon Jeffery hopes will help the company…