It's about damn time the media watchdog groups got around to blasting Sega and PlatinumGames' upcoming Wii-slaughterfest MadWorld. I was worried they were losing their touch, but galloping to the rescue on his bright and shining white stallion comes John Beyer, director of pressure group Mediawatch-uk.
'This game sounds very unsavoury. I hope the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) will view this with concern and decide it should not be granted a classification. Without that it cannot be marketed in Britain. What the rest of world does is up to them. We need to ensure that modern and civilized values take priority rather than killing and maiming people.
Beyer goes on to worry that the game will spoil the family-friendly image of Nintendo's console in the same way that Manhunt 2 completely managed not to. By far the most interesting thing about the Mail Online Article is the title, "Parents horrified as most violent video game ever to launch on 'family friendly' Wii", especially when the article doesn't seem to mention other horrified parents whatsoever. Oh well, it's a start. Parents horrified as most violent video game ever to launch on 'family friendly' Wii [Mail Online]