LostWinds isn't a new game. It's been around for years, first on the Wii, then on iOS devices. I'm mentioning it…

Here is a trailer for Lost Winds, a ballyhooed WiiWare game that is coming to iOS devices later this month.
Lostwinds is pretty great, but because it's only available on WiiWare, many people are missing out. Maybe a version…
The latest issue of Edge Magazine takes a long look at LostWinds: Winter of the Melodias, which is the sequel to…
Square Enix's newfound love of Western developers bears new fruit as European developer Frontier Developments…
The design philosophy of WiiWare launch title LostWinds appears to echo a broader industry trend favoring innovation…
Wow. That. Was. Fast. It's been out for, oh, a day, and already a LostWinds sequel is on the way. If you pop on…
WiiWare is here, and being the new, more financially responsible Mike Fahey I decided to limit myself to one of the…
You want advance notice for your WiiWare games? You're not getting any. The service is now up and ready for…
The newly launched in North America Nintendo Channel shows off the first batch of WiiWare titles to hit Western…