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Confused why Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor left "Lord of the Rings" out of its name? Well, lead designer Bob Roberts just explained to Eurogamer that the omission was a deliberate choice to make sure the game was seen as "clearly its own thing" by keeping it "separate" from established LOTR franchises. Mystery solved!

Shadow of Mordor isn't just a surprisingly good game. It also has the most romantic stealth-game tutorial of all time. We couldn't help but share this image from the beginning of the game. (Disregard the bottom line of text—that's just a subtitle.) Read more

Returning to Middle-earth is going to take a little longer for Xbox 360 and PS3 owners. It's just been announced that the release date for last-gen versions of Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor has shifted to November 18 (November 21 for Europe). PS4 and Xbox One versions will still be coming out on September 30 (October Read more
