Just when I thought I was sick to death of seeing these kind of things, along comes a Tolkien tribute to blow my…
Laura Sindall, a fabricator and sfx artist in the movie business, is also one heck of a Lord of the Rings cosplayer. Here’s her Tauriel cosplay, with pics taken in the Black Forest near Pinewood Studios in England.
A $50 “Game Of The Year” edition of Shadow of Mordor is coming out May 5th—as in, next week—for the Xbox One, PS4, and PC. No word on last-gen versions. If you haven’t played Mordor yet, this is a good chance to get all its post-release goodies without having to pay extra for the crappy parts of its DLC. Read more
The Bright Lord, Shadow of Mordor's new DLC campaign, promises an epic showdown with Lord of the Rings head honcho…
One of the few things that wasn't computer-generated in the recent Hobbit movies was all the sweet Middle Earth…

Osgiliath, capital of the Kingdom of Gondor, was the Kingdom's greatest city before it was eventually abandoned in…

Just in case a four-hour version of an eight-hour trilogy was still too long for you, professional video editor…
Shadow of Mordor surprised everyone with its unique features like the oft-praised "nemesis system." The game's…

The first thing I thought after watching The Battle of Five Armies was "boy, that's a movie that didn't need to be…

Shadow of Mordor is one of the best games I played this year. I had high hopes for Lord of the Hunt, its first major…

Shadow of Mordor got its first major DLC installment today, Lord of the Hunt. As the name suggests, the expansion is…

The first major DLC expansion for Shadow of Mordor comes out today, Warner Bros. just announced. It's called Lord of the Hunt, and brings some gnarly new monsters into the mix. The DLC costs $9.99, and comes free with the $24.99 season pass. Watch the new trailer above; I'll have more detailed impressions by tomorrow.

Is there anything more confusing than video game lore? Oh, right: Lord of the Rings video game lore. I could've…
Some just enjoy a nice cup of grog in the morning sun.

Some time ago I was a huge fan of 30 Second Movies As Reenacted By Bunnies. I'm not sure why, but after so many of…

Ever since Shadow of Mordor came out, many gamers have taken to its unique brand of orc-killing with a gusto.…

Say you love a popular fantasy or science fiction series. Then say your significant other doesn't love that same…

Sauron's entire high command, all going after a single warchief at once. He never stands a chance.
Thank you to Reddit user Halefire for capturing this Shadow of Mordor orc "Skoth the Dumb" really living up to his…