Today’s the day LBP 3 reviews go up. However, for a game so reliant on online components, I’m waiting before passing…
Today’s the day LBP 3 reviews go up. However, for a game so reliant on online components, I’m waiting before passing…
For over two years, Jamie Colliver has been working hard on recreating almost all of Final Fantasy VII within…
A first in franchise history, LittleBigPlanet 3 will feature a full voice cast for its adventure mode, and with…
Well...ok. I didn't see this coming. Turns out, LittleBigPlanet 3 isn't going to be the next game in Media…
LittleBigPlanet 3 is coming to the PS3 and PS4 on November 18th, Sony just announced. I am so excited to finally see Sackboy on the PlayStation 4.
LittleBigPlanet 3 is coming to the PlayStation 4, Sony said in an announcement that just made my day.
The studio that helped bring many a Littlebigplanet to life is spreading its wings with an original game of its own. It's called Hunger, and its concept art looks gorgeous in a gloomy sort of way. Learn more about it on the Tarsier Studios website.
Siobhan Reddy, Studio Director at Media Molecule, Qantas Australian Woman of the year, one of the 100 most powerful…
In 2013, next-gen consoles — previously the dominant fodder of the rumor mill — were announced and released. Many…
Yes, being mean or trolling someone isn't exactly recommendable or even particularly empathetic, but that doesn't…
Eurogamer: LittleBigPlanet's developers are teasing something. Note the question marks and the games page. UPDATE: Old.
I have no idea how this was done, but then, I fell off the LittleBigPlanet wagon a long time ago. This is "Hyper…
What do you do after helping craft some of the cuddliest, most heartwarming games of this past generation? If…
Few games beg for physical contact like LittleBigPlanet does. The series is known for its miniaturized, Gondryesque…
And the crowd roars! Except it's more of an "aww man" than an "aww yeah." A warranted reaction when you're…
LittleBigPlanet Vita doesn't come out for another couple of weeks, but Sony has decided that they don't mind if we…
The coolest kart racer we never knew we wanted fires the starting gun on November 6, when creative types begin…
LittleBigPlanet will be available on the PlayStation Vita on September 25. So says the official PlayStation blog.
Let it never be said that the folks who make LittleBigPlanet lack for chutzpah.
When an industry is made-up of almost equal parts society-changing brilliance and playboy man-child syndrome, it's…