Sexism in games remains an unsolved problem, it's clear. Some of you will be nodding along, and some of you will…
For a relaxing time, sit back and watch this terrific PBS short documentary on the artistic merits of video games.…
The past year has been one of the strangest ever in the life of game designer, lecturer and author Ian Bogost. It…
You've heard Catherine's premise already: Commitment-phobic, indecisive Vincent must choose between marriage to…
Recently, I curated an exhibit at Brooklyn's Babycastles arcade, currently housed in a Williamsburg show space where…
Join Kotaku contributing columnist and owner of some of the largest earrings in the industry Leigh Alexander…
I suck at being the bad guy in video games. I always get all invested, and then I'm hardly ever able to commit to…
You know when you're going to finish a video game. It pushes its ethereal fist into your chest and seizes hold of…
Earlier this month Kotaku posted a pair of images of the lovely Faith from Mirror's Edge. One was the official…
Variety's Ben Fritz posted an interesting response to Leigh Alexander's rant on game criticism (inspired by reviews…
The New York Times tackles MGS 4 in brief — discussing both the story ('What does it mean?') and people's reactions…